(from left to right)
mark makowy (GUITAR), paul wilcox (DRUMS),
david usher (VOCALS), jeff pearce (BASS), kevin young (KEYBOARD)
MOIST - The BEST Canadian rock band formed in 1993 in Vancouver, British Columbia. Their first release was the 1993 self-titled indie cassette, which they made with Kevin Hamilton. Only 35,000 copies were made. By the end of 1993, Moist had landed a deal with EMI Music Publishing Company and recorded their debut CD "Silver", using a couple songs off the indie release and some new songs. With huge support from MuchMusic, they had sold 5,000 copies in just 6 weeks! In spring of '94, they signed to EMI Music Canada worldwide and won a Juno for best new band. This album that cost less than $5,000 to make had sold almost 4 times platinum in Canada alone and gold in Thailand. After being on the road for 2 years, and promoting 5 singles (Push, Believe Me, Silver, Freaky Be Beautiful, Machine Punch Through) they decided to settle down and write a new record. But before they did that, the whole band relocated to Montreal, Quebec. October 1996, Moist released their sophmore record Creature. In a matter of 4 months the album had already went double platinum! They've released 4 tracks (Leave It Alone, Resurrection, Tangerine, Gasoline) off of Creature so far, and have toured the country numerous times!!
***MOIST what's new ****************** David Usher's Little Songs
I have created a page on Little Songs to celebrate David's new solo release, to visit it... click here.Moist in fighting world hunger
I was sent an email about the 30 hour famine CD (which Moist is featured on), and I thought it was important to share what this CD was all about! Go here to read the email, and check out who else is on the cd. So go out and buy it already! It's a worth while cause!David Usher sings his Little Songs
David Usher's new album - Little Songs will be released March 17! And will be dropping by Toronto's CFNY on March 19. If you have yet to hear his first single ForestFire, EMI Canada has set up a site where you can download it onto your computer. Click here Also, I have transcribed the lyrics to the first single, which you can get here!!Magazines...
There was an article an article in Canadian Music Week '98 magazine, about Little Songs.
***MOIST the band ******************** |
Find out more about your favourite band members! If you have any tid
bits to share, please email me.
These photos courtesy of The Official Moist Site...
***MOIST the albums ***************** |
INDIE (1993) SILVER (1994) CREATURE (1996)
***MOIST the lyrics *******************
***MOIST the sounds *******************
***MOIST the press ******************
***MOIST the pics ********************
![]() David Usher Vocals | ![]() Mark Makowy Guitar | ![]() Jeff Pearce Bass |
![]() Kevin Young Keyboard | ![]() Paul Wilcox Drums | ![]() 2 Or More Band |
***MOIST the fan club ***************** To Email Moist, Send To: moist@cnw.com
The Official Fan Club For $25, you get a limited edition Moist CD (containing 4 songs, and a little compilation of umm.. parts of songs and some talking), stickers, postcards, an official Moist Fanclub Member card, newsletters, and many chances to win awesome Moist paraphinalia!!
Moist Fanclub and Merch Info
c/o Nettwerk Management
Box 330, 1755 Robson Street
Vancouver BC Canada
V6G 3B7To Get More Info, Send Email To: moistfc@nettwerk.com
***MOIST the tour ********************
Febuary 24
Febuary 25
Febuary 26
Febuary 27
Febuary 28
March 3
March 4
March 5
March 6
March 7CITY
Providence , RI, USA
Boston , MA, USA
Philadelphia , PA, USA
Washington , DC, USA
Seabring, NJ, USA
Lancaster , PA, USA
State College , PA, USA
Pittsburgh , PA
Charlottesville , VA, USA
Charlotte , NC, USAVENUE
Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel
Avalon Ballroom
Theatre Of The Living Arts
9:30 Club
Chameleon Club
Tremont Music Hall
***MOIST the trade ******************* As we all know, it is extremely hard to find Moist bootlegs, so i decided to make a trading/selling page. If you have something to offer, please email me: sk1984@ipoline.com. In the body of the email, list your name, contact info (ie email address), what you want to trade or sell, and also what you're looking for and/or the price you're selling for. Everything is welcome, audio tapes, video cassettes, pictures, newspaper articles (for the very obsessed fan ;0)... like, I said. ANYTHING! When you send me a list of moist paraphanilia I will post you on my page. Please don't complain to me if someone rips you off... it is up to you to recieve your own Moisty goods.
Moist Trade Page
***MOIST the links ******************
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Person To Visit Since June 24, 1997